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Bottles2Bricks is an initiative to collect discarded plastic bottles, fill them with soil or trash, and use them as bricks to create beautiful and useful structures.  To read about our past projects, click here

Interested in bringing Bottles2Bricks to your community?  Click here to apply.


We enlisted the help of environmental activist Andreas Froese, who has been building with plastic bricks for over 20 years.  Using his proven building techniques, plastic bricks are not only more durable than conventional bricks, they are more environmentally friendly as well.



And they are free for the taking as streets and rivers in 3rd world countries are literally overflowing with plastic debris.


And by using plastic waste instead of concrete, we are lowering greenhouse gas emissions and slowing the effects of climate change.
Bottles2Bricks focuses on poorer, less developed areas, where people might not have access to running water and toilets.  Kids go to school in the open air rather than school buildings. 
In these under served areas, Bottles2Bricks builds structures that serve the community.  Our pilot initiative took place in Mbalmayo, Cameroon, where we created an outhouse, a retaining wall, a water tank and a schoolhouse.  These structures greatly benefited the community and provided jobs for locals residents.


Please help us with this incredible initiative.  Every dollar donated will eliminate one plastic bottle from the environment and convert it to a brick which will be used to build desperately needed structures in under served communities.


THANK YOU for your support.

— The No Plastic Drinks Team in collaboration with EcoTec, Think Green, and Waste Without Borders.