TAKE THE PLEDGE Campaign Plastics are out of control and beverages are a huge part of the problem. So, what can you do?Simple, just stop buying beverages packaged in plastic. 0 Number of people who have pledged to avoid beverages packaged in plastic. 0 Number of plastic items our pledges are preventing from going into the environment every year. PLEDGE NOWARE YOU READY ? TO TAKE THE PLEDGESome description text for this item TAKE THE PLEDGE LEARN MORE AND DONATE Watch a special video No Plastic Back-to-School Campaign in Cameroon THE PLASTIC PROBLEM Drinks are a big part of the problem because people carry them around and some of it gets left behind.Because plastic floats, it easily washes into storm drains which eventually lead to the ocean. Plastic bottles can take over 500 years to decompose. Less than 10% of the world's plastic is recycled. In 2018, China stopped buying our recyclables, so recycling is not the answer to our problems. Plastic debris is ingested by marine animals which not only harms the animals, but that plastic ends up in our food supply.Glass and aluminum options are moreenvironmentally friendly.