
September 2020 Newsletter
Plastic is in our bodies.  We already know plastic is in our food, but scientists are now finding plastic in human organs.  That means, we are not only eating plastic, it is lingering in our bodies.  More research is needed to determine the long term health effects, but unless we take action, it is only going to get worse.  Click here to read more.
Did you know that plastic recycling is a sham?  Oil companies make more than $400 billion per year selling plastic to the world.  They created recycling to make us think that plastic is sustainable when in fact, less than 10% of plastic is actually recycled.  Recycling is not viable because it is far more costly to sort, clean, and recycle plastic, than it is to create virgin plastic.  If you want to fight back, stop buying single use plastic.  Click here to read more. 
Meet Anton, the youngest member of NoPlasticDrinks
Anton, age 13, is an activist for reducing plastic use and pollution.  Animals are suffering and dying of plastic pollution on our planet and in our oceans. His hope is that if enough people shift to environmentally-friendly options, then retailers and manufacturers will follow suit.  Watch his video and join him in taking the pledge.
Zero waste stores are popping up all over.  They utilize environmentally friendly packaging that can be reused again and again, kind of like the old days when the milkman would take our empty milk containers to be sanitized and refilled.  Today's zero waste stores allow refilling containers with products like wine, ginger beer, kombucha, and juices as well as oils and loads of other household goods.  Miami's Verde Market is one example of a zero waste store and you can purchase zero waste products on-line at Zero Waste Store
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